Laser Technology

Precise laser cuts - various materials!

We - Wilhelm Theis jr. GmbH - offer our customers proven processes from the field of laser technology. We reliably take over the laser cutting of various materials for you. As a result, customers can rely on the production of high-quality, laser-cut sheet metal parts.

For this we use a modern 2D laser cutting machine (Trumpf). We can thus realize precise sheet metal cuts up to 20mm material thickness!

Laser technology: comprehensive service, high-quality products

From conception, testing and simulation to final production, our customers can rely on close cooperation and comprehensive expertise from experienced employees.


We manufacture precise, customer-specific laser cuts for our customers.

In addition, we also offer surface refinement processes in the field of laser technology that optimally complement our laser technology processes.

Contact us if you have any further questions about laser technology or other surface treatment options.

We look forward to making contact with you and to new challenges!

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